Advancing hydrogen hub development with GHD

Key results


total traffic


average time on page


professionals reached through email


ad impressions


ad clicks


organic social media reach

Thought leadership article




average time on page


professionals reached through Energy Connects newsletter


ad impressions


ad clicks


organic social media reach


GHD, a multidisciplinary professional services network, sought to raise awareness about the critical importance of developing hydrogen hubs in Canada and the keys to their success. Additionally, they aimed to share exclusive insights with the global energy community on initiating hydrogen projects and the essential role of stakeholder engagement.

Our solution

Recognising the power of thought leadership as a brand-building tool and its influence on senior business leaders' decisions, we devised a comprehensive video, digital, and content strategy. This approach ensured that GHD effectively educated the global energy community on their advancements in the hydrogen sector. The campaign included GHD's participation at the Energy Connects Studio during the Canadian Hydrogen Convention 2023 and the creation of a thought leadership article. The following channels were employed to maximise reach and impact:

  • Spotlight feature on homepage: featuring GHD's article and video interview prominently on the Energy Connects homepage
  • Inclusion in Bi-Weekly Energy Connects newsletter: distributing the article and video interview to a broad audience of industry professionals
  • Social media marketing: leveraging both organic and paid social media campaigns to extend reach and engagement
  • Paid digital marketing: strategically placed ads to drive traffic and visibility
GHD Case Study


The campaign achieved remarkable success, resonating well with the global energy community and driving significant engagement across both the video interview and the thought leadership article.

  • High traffic and readership: both the video interview and the thought leadership article garnered significant pageviews, indicating high interest and a solid readership
  • Strong engagement: visitors and readers spent considerable time on the pages, reflecting strong engagement with the content
  • Wide reach: the content was featured in newsletters reaching a broad audience of industry professionals, broadening its impact and increasing awareness
  • High ad impressions: the paid digital marketing efforts generated a substantial number of ad impressions, enhancing visibility for both the video and the article
  • Effective ad Clicks: the ads attracted a notable number of clicks, demonstrating effective engagement from the target audience for both content pieces
  • Organic social media reach: the content reached a considerable number of individuals organically through social media platforms, further extending its reach and influence

This initiative not only elevated awareness about the importance of developing hydrogen hubs in Canada but also solidified GHD’s position as a thought leader in the hydrogen sector. By leveraging a strategic mix of digital marketing channels, GHD effectively communicated their insights and achievements to a global audience, reinforcing their industry leadership.

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you create compelling content that creates genuine engagement and cuts through the noise. 

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