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Thought leadership article
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professionals reached through Energy Connects newsletter
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organic social media reach
SERTECPET, an Ecuadorian-based company providing cutting-edge solutions to the energy, oil, mining, and industrial sectors, aimed to elevate awareness of their innovative artificial lift technology in the MENA region. Despite having a revolutionary technology, SERTECPET faced the challenge of penetrating the highly competitive MENA energy market and demonstrating the tangible benefits of their artificial lift solutions to potential clients.
Our solution
To address this challenge, the Energy Connects team developed a multi-faceted campaign centered around SERTECPET’s participation at EGYPES 2023. The campaign included:
- Energy Connects Studio interview: featuring a comprehensive video interview with SERTECPET’s CEO (MENA region) discussing their innovative technology
- Thought leadership article: authored by the CEO, highlighting the role of innovation through science and technology in transforming the energy sector
- Homepage spotlight: prominently showcasing the interview and article on the Energy Connects homepage
- Paid digital marketing: strategically placed ads to drive traffic and visibility, ensuring maximum reach
- Social media campaigns: utilising both organic posts and targeted paid ads to reach a wider audience
- Newsletter inclusion: featuring the content in the bi-weekly Energy Connects newsletter distributed to industry professionals

The campaign successfully heightened awareness and consideration of SERTECPET’s artificial lift technology among industry leaders in the MENA region. Key outcomes included significant interest and engagement with the video interview, substantial readership for the thought leadership article, and enhanced visibility through strategic paid digital marketing efforts.
This initiative not only raised awareness of SERTECPET’s innovative technology but also strengthened their engagement with key business leaders in the MENA region. By leveraging a strategic mix of digital marketing channels, SERTECPET effectively communicated their advancements and solidified their presence in the energy sector.
Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you create compelling content that creates genuine engagement and cuts through the noise.