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John Kent Image

“Energy Connects is a key publication that we have engaged with for a number of years and has helped us on several fronts. First, it gives us broad insights into what is happening in the energy market, second it is a great source of knowledge; third, it helps us communicate with our clients and the wider energy community. It has been a great partner for us and has been very important in helping develop the Kent brand.”

John Kent

Chief Energy Transition Officer

Mario (1)

“I think it’s really important that dmg events created this platform with such a global view. Looking at not only oil and gas but also other sectors within the industry such as hydrogen is very important. As leaders within the industry, we want energy systems and sources to be more diverse and this platform you’ve created, which looks at the entirety of the energy sector is extremely helpful.”

Mario Mehren

Chief Executive Officer

Wintershall Dea
Davis Larssen 2

"Energy Connects is a great idea; the energy transition is something that has been gathering for a number of years. We have also worked with Pipeline Oil and Gas News for many years and now it's great to see the organisation reflecting the broader coverage of the energy sector."

Davis Larssen

Chief Executive Officer

Proserv Controls
Sophie Reid

“As a specialist platform, Energy Connects helps us get out stories out to the right people. So as well as improving our reach, Energy Connects makes sure that we’re getting to relevant audiences and that’s really important for us.”

Sophie Reid

Group Head of Communications

Jon Dyke 392X289px 72Dpi

"Engaging with Energy Connects helped Petrofac significantly widen its reach and visibility. The in-depth story-telling around Petrofac's recent achievements on the platform reached more than 20,000 global energy professionals in less than a week."

Jonathan Dyke

Regional Head of Communications (East)

Jonathan Sheikh Miller, Global Content & PR Manager, Proserv

“Energy Connects is a key industry platform reaching out to the MENA region and right across the globe. For Proserv, it is an important support and partner helping to deliver our news, our innovation and our progress direct to the market. Energy Connects Studio is an impressively stylish resource extending that coverage into dynamic live interviews, always highlighting topical issues and trends. In Julian Walker, it can call upon one of the Middle East’s most experienced and knowledgeable journalists. As a result, it is a very persuasive and effective offering.”

Jonathan Sheikh-Miller

Global Content & PR Lead


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