Farewell Houston as Gastech looks ahead to convene next year in Milan

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City officials and dignitaries convened at a special ceremony to close out Gastech 2024 and announce Milan as the next host city for Gastech 2025. Simon Ford, Vice President, Gastech, dmg events, opened the proceedings, noting that this year’s event saw participation from over 150 countries, including 50 official government delegations. He said: “What we have witnessed over the last few days is the most important minds in energy coming together to shape policy, showcasing new innovation that will accelerate our energy industry forward. So thank you very much.”

“I’d like to give a special mention now, first to Houston - to the Mayor’s Office of the city of Houston - to the bilateral Chamber of Commerce, and, of course, our dearest friends, Commissioner Rodney Ellis from Harris County Precinct One and the 62nd Mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner. “We’re incredibly grateful for all of your hard work in helping this transformational global gathering take place here in this wonderful city.”

Houston hospitality
Rodney Ellis, Commissioner, Harris County Precinct One, said: “To the over 30,000 people who show up to Houston, Texas, we appreciate you…we are so privileged that you chose to come to Houston to have 30,000 people, top ministers, people from all around the globe, to convene here in Houston, Texas, and come up with solutions on what we can do to have an economical, sustainable, clean way of providing energy. So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.” Former Mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner offered remarks.

“It’s hard to say that you’re the energy capital of the world if you’re not hosting the premier global energy conference, and so for Gastech to be here, let me just say how proud Houstonians are in this city to have you. In this city, the convention Commissioner mentioned 30,000 delegates, but 156 countries are represented. So let me thank you for coming, for shining the spotlight on hydrogen and AI and climate tax, and recognizing that we all have to work together to make things happen in a real way.”

On to Italy
In 2025, Gastech returns to Milan, Italy, a city that is not only a hub of fashion design and culture, but also an economic power at the forefront for innovation and sustainability. Roberto Foresti, GM, Fiera Milano welcomed attendees to start planning for an equally productive and entertaining experience in Milan. He said: “Italy’s energy sector has evolved considerably with substantial investment in renewables and a strong commitment to reducing emission. The entire energy sector is worth almost 62 billion euros…Milan, with its strategic location and world class infrastructure, offers the right environment for an event of this magnitude. Milan’s commitment to providing the best possible experience for all participants with the state-of-the-art facility designed to foster connection, showcase innovation and inspire discussion that will shape the future of energy industries.”

“Italy is on track to significantly enhance its renewable energy capacity, and the presence of Gastech in Milan will amplify the ongoing efforts of our energy sector, provide a unique platform for collaboration and partnership among industry leaders, innovation and policy makers. This gathering will help us to further accelerate our shared goals of reducing carbon emission and promoting sustainable energy solutions.” “As we look forward to Gastech 2025 we are excited about the opportunities that it will bring, not just for Milan and Italy, but for the global energy community. We are dedicated to working closely with all stakeholders to ensure that the next edition of Gastech is not only a success, but a defining moment in the journey towards a sustainable energy future. Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you all to Milan. “Welcome to Milan!”


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