Gastech 2024 to unite energy leaders in Houston, epicenter of the natural gas and LNG upturn

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The United States has emerged as a dominant force in the global energy landscape, driven by ambitious policies, supportive regulatory frameworks, and private sector enterprise. (Image source: archives)

Gastech 2024 is set to affirm its position as the world’s premier platform for natural gas, LNG, hydrogen, climate technologies, energy manufacturing, and low carbon solutions, as it unfolds from September 17-20 in Houston, USA - the epicenter of the international energy revolution.

The United States has emerged as a dominant force in the global energy landscape, driven by ambitious policies, supportive regulatory frameworks, and private sector enterprise. As a producer and exporter of critical energy resources, the US has rocketed from selling minimal amounts of natural gas and LNG overseas to becoming the world’s top supplier in just 8 years.

Meanwhile, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has accelerated investment into clean technology and fuels, both key components of a resilient and sustainable energy mix that can respond to modern consumption trends – annual global data center energy consumption has risen 20-40% since 2017. A recently proposed expansion of the IRA’s federal clean energy tax credits looks to encourage further development of green energy solutions, including nuclear, geothermal and hydropower.

Transforming energy through vision, innovation and action

Under the theme of “Transforming energy through vision, innovation and action,” Gastech 2024 will address the global forces and domestic priorities that are propelling the US’ transformation - from harnessing growth opportunities for natural gas and elevating hydrogen’s decarbonization potential, to advancing climate technology development and mobilizing capital flows through policy innovation, partnerships, and collaboration.

A central focus of Gastech’s Strategic Conference for 2024 will be promoting natural gas’ strategic advantage as a versatile resource with a low carbon footprint. A cornerstone of the global approach to energy security and sustainability, natural gas is playing an indispensable role in supporting the expansion of electrification in emerging markets, resolving disruptions in traditional supply routes, and enabling decarbonization.

Opportunity for key stakeholders

As such, global gas demand is projected to grow between 10-15% past 2030, and Gastech 2024 will offer an invaluable opportunity for key stakeholders – including more than 500 CEOs, Ministers and global business leaders - to align on the policies and investments needed to enable continued progress and decarbonization in the natural gas sector, as well as the wider energy industry.

Innovation is a key part of the puzzle, enabling those reliant on natural gas and LNG to maximize efficiency while minimizing environmental impacts. Cutting-edge technologies such as CCUS, DAC, and methane leak prevention AI programs are revolutionizing the applicability and viability of these resources, and therefore creating a pragmatic, inclusive and affordable path to net zero. Estimates reveal that most of the reductions in CO2 emissions through 2030 come from technologies already on the market today, while almost half the reductions needed by 2050 will come from technologies that are currently at the demonstration or prototype phase.

Climatetech & AI Conference

Gastech 2024’s Climatetech & AI Conference will identify new routes to investment and scalability for such transformative technologies, aiming to accelerate the solutions that will decarbonize our global energy supply. Benefiting from Houston’s position as a global hub for energy innovation, the Program will feature high-profile speakers from companies leading the climate technologies sector.

Gastech 2024’s commitment to promoting and elevating promising new solutions will also be reflected in the dedicated Hydrogen Conference, as it brings together market shapers, policymakers, and energy producers to develop the strategies necessary to bridge the divide between hydrogen’s potential and its adoption as a transformative force in the global energy system.

Building on recent initiatives such as the US’ National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and COP28’s Declaration of Intent on Mutual Recognition of Certification Schemes for Renewable and Low-carbon Hydrogen and

Hydrogen Derivatives - which have helped generate over US $500 billion in public and private sector financing for hydrogen projects worldwide - the Hydrogen Conference will galvanize the energy industry’s efforts to create a competitive global hydrogen economy, championing the policies and incentives that will unlock its potential as a key component of a stable and sustainable energy future.

Pressing need for widescale decarbonization

Jill Evanko, President & Chief Executive Officer, Chart Industries, said: “Gastech will once again serve as a catalyst for the transformation of the natural gas and LNG sector, as well as the wider energy industry. Chart Industries has long recognized the pressing need for widescale decarbonization, and we have been proud to play our part in developing the technologies and solutions that will make it possible.

“Now, with Gastech 2024 just around the corner, we look forward to collaborating with the leading companies and innovators in attendance and crafting the next generation of game-changing technologies and associated equipment.”

Christopher Hudson, President of Global Energy, dmg events, commented: “Gastech 2024 will capitalize on the incredible momentum unfolding here in the United States, as the world’s most renowned energy leaders – including top CEOs, ministers, and innovators – come together for this unique event and drive the global transformation of our industry, from natural gas and LNG to hydrogen and climate technologies.

“Houston provides the ideal backdrop for this important mission, as the city’s emergence as an international hub for energy production and innovation reflects a necessary commitment to embracing new strategies, solutions, and partnerships that help balance growing energy consumption with impactful progress on global climate goals.”


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