Repositioning for success in the downstream industry

Discover strategies for future growth in the downstream sector, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and resilience.

July 14, 202015:00GST

Repositioning for success in the downstream industry

The global downstream industry underwent major shifts due to unprecedented lockdowns, volatile oil and gas prices, and low demand for petrochemical and transportation fuels. These changes prompted today's downstream business leaders to factor in technological innovations, sustainability, and business resilience in their strategies to ensure continued growth.

In this webinar, powered by Energy Connects and ADIPEC 2020, industry experts discussed how to position companies for future business growth and what success would look like in 2021 and beyond. Furthermore, panelists answered a few key questions on how COVID-19 impacted the downstream industry's climate change and sustainability agendas along with what is the role of cost-cutting, digitalisation, value chain localisation, and M&As in repositioning for growth.

Key takeaway points


Developing and implementing new technologies to address the successful transition to a low-carbon future. 


Continuously integrating technologies into existing energy systems for practical solutions towards a cleaner energy future. 


Retrofitting existing assets, leveraging hydrogen, and downstream utilisation of captured carbon dioxide: are the three major contributions of CCUS. 

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